Wealthy coming back to support Trump

 Karen Townsend:

The billionaire donors who left former President Donald Trump in 2020 are coming back in a big way. Instead of sticking with President Biden or sitting the election out, Donald Trump is looking pretty good to them.

Many backed Trump's opponents in the Republican primary race. Some disavowed him in 2020. All of that is in the rearview window now. We live in dangerous times and Joe Biden has lit a match to the fire. The Biden administration has been a disaster and the world is watching.

Forbes published a list of a dozen billionaires helping quickly close the fundraising gap between the Biden and Trump campaigns. All of them are from the business sector, not a Hollywood person on the list. 


You can find the list at the link above.  To me, the important thing is that Trump has the financial support to get his message out and assure voters that he has the wherewithall to defeat Biden and return to sane policies. 


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