Trump makes the case for Michigan voters



"For decades before I took office, Joe Biden and his cronies in Washington got rich by selling off Michigan jobs and selling out Detroit."

Michigan, a key battleground state and one that features autoworkers and union voters, has struggled under massive inflation and outsourcing of jobs, including auto manufacturing, according to Trump.

"Under my leadership, we created half a million manufacturing jobs in three short years," Trump told the young voters at Turning Point Action. "We lifted up all Americans: Black, brown, white, and everybody else. Everyone was doing great.

"But now, crooked Joe is doing a hit job on Michigan manufacturing and on Detroit."


Inflation and wars "in flames" in Ukraine and the Middle East show Trump was better not just for Detroit, Michigan, and America, but the world, he added.

"Less than four years ago, our border was secure, inflation was nowhere to be seen," Trump said. "We didn't have inflation.

"The world was at peace, and America was stronger and more respected than ever before. And it was never as respected as it was just four years ago. Now, under crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country, the world is in flames. Our border is overrun, inflation is raging, Europe is in chaos.


It is a point I have made at this blog and I am glad to see Trump is making it with his voters,  Biden has been a disaster not only for the US but for Europe too. 


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