Biden is squandering US energy supplies for political purposes

Bob Hoge:

Before Joe Biden took office, gas prices for the average motorist were at about $2.42 a gallon. Between Bidenomics, Bidenflation, and Joe’s war on energy, prices under his regime have consistently been about 40 percent higher.

But as the president sees his reelection prospects wane amid disastrous polling, he has a plan—dip into the nation’s strategic petroleum reserves (again) in a transparent ploy to convince the public that he cares about them.

Biden’s latest grand energy plan:

President Joe Biden is prepared to release more oil from the country’s strategic reserves if gas prices increase during the summer. This is the latest plan by the Biden administration to counter higher prices at the pumps and the more expensive prices on various goods due to inflation. 

A Biden administration energy adviser suggested gas prices are “still too high” for many in the country and said he favors taking action to “cut them down a little bit further.” 

How about you just stop your war on fossil fuels, perhaps that would lower gas prices. 


The price in Texas before Biden took office was actually cheaper than $2.42.   The price in Texas now is $3 or more.  That the prices are over $5 in California shows you what Democrats would do if they were in charge.  Biden is trying to manipulate the price to get votes after manipulating it to please liberals.


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