Wealthy donor backing Trump with millions


Billionaire Dr. Miriam Adelson is planning to spend $100 million in support of Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump's presidential bid, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

The financial backing would make Adelson, 78, one of the biggest donors in November's presidential election, according to the report. Adelson and her late husband, Republican power broker Sheldon Adelson, gave $90 million in support of Trump in 2020.

She is described by the Times as "pro-Israel and rabidly partisan."

Adelson is a former officer in the Israeli Defense Forces who spends most of her time at her longtime home in Israel, where she was born.

In Trump's first administration, the Adelsons pushed for the U.S. embassy in Israel to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which he did. Adelson does not have a specific wish list for Trump this time around, according to the report.

Biden has been accused of becoming somewhat more restrictive in backing Israel  Trump appears more robust in his backing of Israel. 


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