FBI accused of questioning employees political beliefs

 DC Daily Journal:


According to whistleblower disclosures recently filed to the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, FBI Security Division officers investigated an FBI employee and asked inquiries about the employee’s political and personal beliefs.

The disclosure cited Security Division questionnaires given to the agent’s co-workers that asked if the employee under investigation had: “Vocalize[d] support for President Trump” or “Vocalized objection to COVID-19 vaccination” or “Vocalized intent to attend 1/6/2021.”

Empower Oversight, a watchdog group, released a copy of the whistleblower disclosure letter made to DOJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz on June 8.

It is the latest in a string of whistleblower charges that have triggered congressional oversight of the FBI’s top leadership for discriminatory treatment of agents and other bureau workers, including their political beliefs.

Polls indicate that over half the country supports Trump so it should not be surprising that some of those supporters are in the FBI.  The Biden administration's attempts to criminalize Trump is unprecedented.  It is my belief that it is being done to help Biden politically and has no basis in fact.  Trump has been targeted in parts of the country where Democrats control the courts and the prosecutor's offices.  The trials do not look fair to most Trump supporters.


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