Democrats goofy 'Trump is a threat to democracy' smear

 Fox News:

Democrats have nothing to run on. Their solution? Scare voters by claiming that Donald Trump is a "threat to our democracy," and, if elected, will be hell-bent on seeking retribution against his political enemies.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes told Kara Swisher in a recent podcast interview that she "wouldn’t be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail," though she neglected to say why the former president might target her. Former deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe told CNN’s Kaitlin Collins recently that friends in the intelligence community are considering fleeing the country to avoid being "unconstitutionally and illegally detained."

Makes you wonder what they’re really afraid of. Do they fear that -- finally – someone, somewhere, will be held accountable for all the injustices, lies and illegal acts that have been perpetrated by Democrats against the country and against Trump? Like creating and perpetuating the "Russiagate" hoax, which undermined Trump’s presidency, spying on his 2016 campaign, conspiring to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop, delaying announcement of the break-through COVID vaccine until after the 2020 election, impeaching Trump on dubious grounds, and trying to lock him up even as he’s leading in the polls? That’s just for starters; there’s so much more.

There are likely crimes here, including lying to Congress as Anthony Fauci has apparently done, and conspiring to interfere with an election, as Secretary of State Antony Blinken may have done (according to a CIA officer) when pressing 51 intelligence officers to claim that Hunter’s laptop was likely a product of "Russian disinformation." Blinken and the FBI knew better.

Trump claims that the J6 group illegally "deleted and destroyed all material evidence." Indeed, Barry Loudermilk, the Georgia representative heading the House’s oversight investigation, found that 117 files had been deleted by the Jan. 6 committee, and that passwords enabling access to other materials were not supplied. In a letter to lawyers for the White House and Homeland Security Counsel, Loudermilk complained that "numerous Secret Service employees were interviewed who were either with former President Trump or in proximity to former President Trump on Jan. 6, 2021" and that transcripts of those interviews were not archived.

The Trump "is a threat to democracy" BS is just another Democrat attempt to sway voters without running on the real issues in the election.   Trump's four years in office were not any threat to democracy.  In fact, those four years were better for Americans than the current time in office of Biden.

See also:

In shocking litmus test, FBI security inquiry tried to unmask employee’s Trump support, memos show

The New McCarthyism? FBI Interviews raised politically-slanted questions including employee's vaccine hesitancy, 2nd Amendment support, prompting a bias complaint to DOJ's internal watchdog.


 US-Backed Ukrainian Publication Releases New ‘Enemies List’ Including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, Hundreds More…


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