Biden's border policy remains ineffective

DC Daily Journal:


Despite President Joe Biden’s recent executive order aimed at controlling the flow of illegal immigration at the southern border, the measures have yet to show any significant impact, according to sector reports, leaked data, and statements from local officials.

Biden’s executive order, which took effect last Wednesday, stipulates that new asylum requests will be paused if the average number of daily border encounters exceeds 2,500 over a week-long period. The asylum process can resume once the seven-day daily average falls to 1,500. However, early indications suggest that the order has not effectively curbed the number of foreign nationals crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

On the first full day of the order’s implementation, nearly 4,000 migrants were apprehended, according to data obtained by NewsNation. The subsequent days saw similar figures, culminating in a spike to 10,000 encounters on Saturday. This pattern suggests that Biden’s order has had minimal effect on the illegal crossings.

John Modlin, the chief patrol agent of Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector, reported 7,500 apprehensions in his sector during the first week of June, nearly unchanged from the 7,800 recorded in the last week of May. This number is higher than the figures reported for the other weeks in May.

Critics of the executive order have been vocal. “Biden’s executive order is a facade, offering the illusion of security while doing nothing to address the real issues at our borders,” said Jim Desmond, a San Diego county supervisor. He noted that thousands of individuals entered San Diego County over the past weekend alone, contributing to the more than 151,000 street releases this fiscal year.

Data reported by Fox News indicated around 5,600 Customs and Border Protection (CBP) encounters on Wednesday, which included the 4,000 illegal crossings and CBP One App releases at ports of entry. By Thursday, the number of foreign nationals in Border Patrol custody reached approximately 10,000 — four times the limit set by Biden’s order, as per data leaked to the New York Post.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott also criticized the executive order during a Fox News interview, stating there was no discernible change at the border. “What Biden has done, he’s not doing anything to actually secure the border,” Abbott said. “In fact, it’s the opposite because he’s actually authorizing more people to cross the border illegally.”

Abbott elaborated that even when the asylum process is paused at the 2,500-daily encounter threshold, the executive order does nothing to prevent other illegal crossings.

I have serious doubts that Democrats want to control the border.  What Biden is doing is just going through the motions with no real effect.  At this point it looks like the only way to get real control of the border is to elect Trump.  As president, Trump actually had it under some semblance of control, and when Biden came in he did away with the policies that were working and let millions of illegals flow through the border. 


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