'Gotaways' make Biden Harris immigration policy look even worse

 The Federalist Wire:


The Biden-Harris administration’s reported figures on illegal immigration reveal a significant discrepancy when accounting for “gotaways”—migrants who cross the border undetected by Border Patrol.

According to The Telegraph, these overlooked figures push the actual number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. up by 25% beyond official statistics.

Official data from the Biden-Harris administration notes around 7.15 million illegal entry attempts since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris assumed office.

However, a Freedom of Information request obtained by The Telegraph suggests that Border Patrol estimates an additional 1.8 million illegal immigrants slipped through undetected, bringing the true total closer to 8.95 million.

The Biden-Harris regime is deliberately ignoring US immigration law to let illegals into the country.  They reversed Trump's policy which did a better job of containing the illegal problem.  They now face an election in which the majority of Americans oppose the Democrats' open borders policy. 

See also:

Kamala Harris fell to her knees after this devastating report hit her desk


 Harris campaign dishes out six-figure donations to groups who support defunding police, reparations

One of the groups that the Harris campaign funded said Black Americans 'deserve to be compensated' through reparations


 Elon Musk


Kamala-Mayorkas unilaterally transformed the US Border Patrol into a concierge service for random foreigners. Instead of patrolling the border, the BP has been illegally used to usher in over 717,000 alien parolees so far.


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