Dem AGs attacking pro life centers?

 American Action News:

Blue state attorneys general have been cracking down on pregnancy centers and nonprofits in recent weeks, and pro-life advocates told the Daily Caller News Foundation that it’s a growing “trend of hostility.”

Attorneys general in New Jersey, California and Washington state are at the center of three lawsuits for going after pro-life organizations for allegedly “misleading” women and supporting the use and access to the abortion reversal pill, progesterone. This trend will likely “pick up” as some blue states attorneys general have become more “aggressive” in going after pregnancy centers after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022, Gabriella McIntyre, legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom’s Center for Life, told the DCNF.

“This is not an isolated incident. We’re seeing this as part of a larger trend of hostility towards pro-life organizations and particularly towards pro-life pregnancy centers across the nation,” McIntyre said. “These attorneys general are targeting and harassing pregnancy centers, because of their religious and pro-life views. They are using their consumer protection authority to accomplish their purpose, which is clearly to divert and impede the mission of these organizations to serve women and families, and instead shift their focus to complying with these unfounded and unjustified demands.”

Growing up, I had several friends who were adopted.  This was before abortion was seen as a way out of unwanted pregnancies.  I still think adoption is a better alternative.


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