Attempt to prosecute Trump not hurting his polling

 The Hill:

There is surreal and then there is the 2024 presidential election.

Just when you think it can’t get more bizarre, it does. Earlier this week, the Colorado Supreme Court offered up a ruling barring former President Trump from the GOP primary ballot in the state.

The Colorado justices — all appointed by Democratic governors — voted by a 4-3 margin that Trump had engaged in “insurrection” that disqualifies him from office under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Okay.

Look for that ruling to be struck down by the Supreme Court faster than a fly at a picnic. Former White House lawyer Ty Cobb predicted that the Supreme Court could rule unanimously in favor of Trump in an appeal of the Colorado ruling. “I think this case will be handled quickly. I think it could be 9-0 in the Supreme Court for Trump,” Cobb said in an interview on CNN.

After the ruling, I spoke with two major Democratic operatives. Both had the same question: “Are these justices trying to get Trump elected?”

They were joined in their collective tongue-in-cheek suspicions by Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. DeSantis is now in a free fall of epic proportions and is looking for any straw to grasp onto to slow his descent into becoming a national punchline.

This past Wednesday, DeSantis called the Colorado ruling part of a pattern of “stunts” from the media and the left intended to “solidify support” for Trump, on the basis that the former president is purportedly more beatable in a general election. In other words, DeSantis is trying to sell the fairytale that Democratic justices, prosecutors, district attorneys and far-left members of the media believe Trump beatable in November and are therefore all in cahoots as they roll out a foolproof strategy to ensure that Trump is the Republican nominee.

That “strategy” predicated upon the belief — as DeSantis is seemingly pushing — that the more Trump gets indicted and banned from ballots, the more infuriated his base of tens of millions of Americans will get. And the more infuriated they get, the more likely for them to go to the polls in droves to vote as one to spite the Democratic justices, prosecutors, district attorneys and liberal media. And by virtue of their “spite” vote, they doom GOP chances by getting Trump the nomination.

While that fantasy might make DeSantis feel better, it is not so. Recent and consistent polling has shown that the anti-Trump argument being pushed by the likes of DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — as well as a number of Democrats — that “Trump would be unelectable against Biden” has blown up as Biden’s numbers continue to crater.

There is something about Trump that appears to drive the Democrats crazy.  The "Trump is Hitler" meme is not selling at all.  After all during his term as president, the country was prosperous and Trump was not trying to get Biden or other Democrats thrown in jail.  In terms of handling the economy and foreign policy, Trump was easily a better president than Biden.  

The Dems' "insurrection" narrative is total BS.  They are trying to claim that a small riot was an attempt to overthrow the government instead of a demonstration against the Democrats and the media.  They completely ignore that Trump told the crowd to be peaceful.  They are also ignoring the fact that Biden and his family were the ones monetizing his office, not Trump or his family.


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