Elon Musk not intimidated by the left

 Nick Arama:

Elon Musk may not be a conservative. He has his issues, like all of us. But he’s a considered thinker, who seems to be learning fast about the dangers of the left. He’s spoken about the threat to civilization in the past posed by the “woke mind virus.”

Musk showed again that he does have some understanding of the left during an interview he gave to CNBC on Tuesday.

He had some people squawking on Tuesday because he dared to criticize billionaire George Soros who he compared to the villain Magneto. That prompted many on the left to attack him as somehow “anti-Semitic” when there wasn’t anything anti-Semitic about what he said. But that’s the fallback position from the left when anyone dares to criticize Soros.

Musk said he didn’t think Soros’ intentions were good, that he wanted to “erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.”

Frankly, if you judge by his actions, such as putting in progressive prosecutors who don’t prosecute crime, which then results in an increase in crime and brings more chaos to society, Elon is right on target.

Musk was asked about why he made his comment about Soros during the interview and he laughed at the interviewer, David Faber. “I think that’s true, that’s my opinion,” Musk responded.

Musk is obviously a smart guy and he sees through the problems of the leftist. 


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