Google accused of thwarting GOP fund raising efforts

 Fox News:

RNC says Google suppressed more than 22M GOTV, fundraising emails in September, exploring 'legal options'

Google says party affiliation does not impact whether emails are sent to Gmail spam folders


On Sept. 28, Gmail spammed more than 3.1 million RNC emails. The next day, Gmail spammed more than 9.8 million RNC emails, and on Sept. 30, Gmail spammed more than 9.97 million RNC mails.

An RNC official told Fox News Digital that Republicans have raised this issue with Google "for months" and said they have received "no resolution."

The RNC provided Fox News with data showing that party emails go from "strong inbox delivery— 90-100%" down to 0% at the end of the month.

"Every single month, like clockwork, Google suppresses important GOTV and fundraising emails at the end of the month, with zero explanation nor commitment from Google to resolve this issue," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told Fox News. "We are less than 40 days out from Election Day, and important GOTV emails to our opted-in voters in states that have already started early voting are being systematically sent to spam."

"Enough is enough," she said. "Big Tech bias is undermining the democratic process and the RNC is exploring our legal options to put an end to this clear pattern of bias."

Republican Party officials told Fox News that Google’s "disproportionate suppression of Republican emails constitutes an illegal corporate contribution to Democrat candidates."

Under the program, though, Castañeda said users remain "100% in control" of their inboxes, meaning Gmail users are given the choice to mark a message as spam or to unsubscribe. If a user chooses to unsubscribe, the emails don't just go to spam, but rather stop coming to the users' inbox altogether, as it requires the campaign or party to remove that user from their distribution list within 24 hours.

This appears to be a consistent problem.  The Republicans have complained about the Gmail's going to the spam filter before. 


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