Is Lanny Davis representing Cohen or the Clintons in the recent case in New York?

Washington Examiner:
Warrington also believes that the alleged campaign finance crimes aren’t actually crimes, and questions the legal guidance of Davis.

“Lanny Davis had his client plead guilty to a crime that isn't a crime,” Warrington said. "Who’s Lanny Davis really working for, Michael Cohen or the Clintons?”

Trump made the same argument Wednesday, tweeting, "Michael Cohen plead guilty to two counts of campaign finance violations that are not a crime."
"The idea that this is a campaign contribution or expenditure is highly speculative," said attorney Cleta Mitchell, a Republican election law expert, saying that she believes Cohen's plea was not motivated by legal strategy, but by political motivations.

Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the FEC who works at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said that "I believe the Justice Department would have a hard time prosecuting any such claim" that payoffs were campaign expenses.
Smith, the former Republican FEC chairman who is not a Trump supporter, said he's concerned about prosecutors' actions.

“I find the whole thing kind of disturbing – what seems to be almost a determination to use whatever laws we can find to get Trump because a lot of people know Trump’s such a bad guy, he must be violating the law, and even if he’s not, we have to get him anyways," he said.
The whole case smells of a setup and a double standard.  John Edwards was found not guilty in a case that was much more clear-cut.


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