Media begins to admit its attacks on GOP have not moved voters

Eddie Scarry:
The national media are scaling back their prediction for a Democratic "blue wave" in the 2018 midterms, in light of a new poll that shows some Democrats are vulnerable and a healthy GOP turnout in Texas this week.

Fueled in part by Republican-backed tax cuts that increased the paychecks for most people, Republicans and President Trump have seen their own poll numbers rise, and what was previously viewed as a coming reckoning by Democrats has stalled.

The website Axios on Thursday published a poll that showed “big warning signs for Senate Democrats.” It noted that in 10 states where Democrats are defending Senate seats, a Republican opponent polls either ahead or close to the Democrat in five of those states (though in most of the races, the GOP has not chosen its nominee yet).

The poll also showed that in most states, Trump’s approval rating is 50 percent or higher, which could be a sign that he will not have a negative impact on those state races.

The primary race in Texas on Tuesday was seen in its run-up as a potential case study in what may happen in other parts of the country, given Texas’ status as a deep-red state. It drew widespread media attention, but though Democratic turnout was historically high, it fell well short of Republican turnout.

The Democratic candidates drew just over a million votes, according to the New York Times, while Republicans took in over 1.5 million. The Democratic nominee, Beto O’Rourke, got 641,324 votes, while Republican Sen. Ted Cruz got 1,317,450.

Those two events had many in the press paring back their predictions for a blue wave.
As many as 10 Senate seats held by Democrats could be in play.  The five states that polls show a flip to the GOP are Missouri, Indiana, West Virginia, Montana, and North Dakota.  Trump remains popular in those states.  I think the Democrat obstructionists policies have backfired on them in these states too.  These polls were taken when only five challengers to the Democrat incumbent have been selected.  Two other states where Republicans have a good shot are Wisconsin and Ohio.

What the Texas race showed is that Democrat intensity is not enough to lift them to victory because they are still a minority party and their intesnity has also activated GOP voters.


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