More evidence of how Obama and Clinton's Libya screw up continues to reverberate

Washington Post:
U.S. and its allies wage an African shadow war against Islamist militants

Less than a year ago, the Islamic State’s ambitions in Africa seemed all but shattered. But fighters flowed from Libya to other countries, creating an increasingly potent constellation of militant groups — and a deepening rivalry between al-Qaeda and the Islamic State for influence and recruits.
Sometimes it is hard to pick which of Obama's military actions were the biggest fiascos.  His retreat from Iraq certainly opened the door of ISIS and genocide in the region.  The overthrowing the government of Libya compounded the problem of dealing with ISIS and al Qaeda. 

Just as the Iraq and Syria cleanup is underway from the fallout from his strategic blunder of retreating, we see ISIS and the Islamic terrorists using Libya as a jumping off point for more terror in Africa.  It is hard to pick between Obama and Clinton on the Libya screw up but it was clearly an unmitigated and ongoing disaster.


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