Missouri River flood waters head for the Mississippi

AP/Fox News:

Several levees in northern Missouri were failing Sunday to hold back the surge of water being released from upstream dams.

Authorities said water -- some of it from recent rain -- began pouring over levees Saturday night and Sunday morning in Holt and Atchison counties, flooding farmland and numerous homes and cabins. A hole in the side of a Holt County levee continued to grow Sunday, deluging the state park and recreational area of Big Lake, a community of less than 200 people located 78 miles north of Kansas City.

Jud Kneuvean, chief of emergency management for the corps' Kansas City District, said the Missouri River dipped by almost one foot after the Big Lake breach but that the water level started to rise again by Sunday afternoon.

The water is already causing flooding in Nebraska and may threaten a nuclear power plant. If you look at the map above (click on the image for a larger view.) you will see that the flood waters will be spilling into the Mississippi River just north of St. Louis. I suspect that these waters will cause additional flooding along the Mississippi all the way to New Orleans.


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