When Harry met cowboy poetry readers

Harry Reid - The ScreamImage by absentee_redstate via Flickr

You know we're in trouble when the Senate majority leader says dealing with a $14 trillion debt might mean the end of cowboy poetry readings in northern Nevada.

When Harry Reid proposed that Nevada make prostitution illegal everywhere in his state, little did we know his backup plan for stimulating the Nevada economy was continued federal funding of cowboy poetry readings in northern Nevada.

Exhibiting the kind of leadership that's quickly becoming a national embarrassment, and that begs for a Republican takeover of the Senate in 2012, Reid took to the floor to lament that Republicans, through a "mean-spirited" budget bill, not only wanted to gut funding for National Public Broadcasting but also deprive Nevada and America of a rather unique cultural institution.

"The National Endowment of the Humanities," Reid said, "is the reason we have in northern Nevada every January a cowboy poetry festival. Had that program not been around, the tens of thousands of people who come there every year would not exist." The people would not exist? Oh, the humanity!

This is just another example of how out of touch the Democrat leadership is on the need for spending cuts. Reid seems to think the make work jobs created by the festival are some how more significant that real jobs that would be created if Democrats would get out of the way of energy production in the US. Reid has been blocking new nuke facilities because he does not like the storage site chosen for the material left over after electricity is produced. He is blocking drilling in Western US states including ANWR. It is just ridiculous to be blocking domestic energy production, especially at a time of rising prices which would not only mean more jobs, but also much needed royalty income for the government.
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