The Argentina tango

Ralph Peters:

I was wrong. For years, I've argued that our government should pay more attention to South America. Now Hillary Clinton has -- and, boy, is it ugly.

With tragic back-to-back earthquakes dominating the headlines from south of the border, a desperate ploy by the hard-left Argentine government -- backed by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez -- threatens to shake the continent's political landscape.

And Secretary of State Clinton, during her whirlwind tour down south, managed to outrage our British allies and assist despised President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in her family's assault on Argentine democracy.

This is one of those "smart diplomacy" moves that makes even less sense than Argentina's claim to Islands that belong to Britain. Like the Honduras mistake, this one will not benefit the US while pandering to our enemies in the region. The reason the Kirchners are so unpopular is they mismanaged the economy and tried to screw the farmers and ranchers who export products.

Backing despots in not smart diplomacy. Screwing allies who are fighting and dying with us in Afghanistan is not smart diplomacy. There is zero to be gained by negotiations over the Falkland Islands, because there is no articulated basis for a legitimate claim by the government of Argentina.


  1. así que "nacionalizar" vendria a ser un sinonimo de "robar"??? Y que de todo lo que le robaron al pueblo LATINOAMERICANO durante siglos!!! y que de las privatizaciones de los 90??? remataron la argentina, el estado y sus recursos, desamparando a la clase trabajadora en pos de intereses foraneos!!
    No vengan con la misma mentira... no lloren por Haiti cuando es su idelogia la primera en haber masacrado al pueblo haitiano!


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