As liberal antiwar pukes offer surrender, enemy in Iraq does too

A senior aide to Iraq's president said Friday that some insurgent groups had contacted him to ask about their joining in the American-backed political process.

The aide, Lt. Gen. Wafiq al- Samarraie, the security adviser to President Jalal Talabani, said he had received some calls over the past few days from people claiming to represent bands of insurgents. The general declined to name the groups or say exactly how many people had called. He also declined to discuss any demands the groups might be making.

"I received phone calls from different movements, different groups, some claiming they represent the resistance," he said. "They said they're ready to participate in the political process."

The general said some of the people who called him were Islamists and some were former Baath Party members, but none appeared to be among those still loyal to Saddam Hussein. Many of the groups the callers claimed to represent were based in Anbar Province, the center of the Sunni Arab insurgency, he said.


Which surrender gives a clearer picture of who is winning in Iraq?  If the US was losing why would the enemy even consider such a move?
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