The Palestinians latest screw up

... the vote in the UN General Assembly to declare “null-and-void” the decision by President Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and commit the United States to moving our embassy there was not a defeat for the United States and it wasn’t a win for the Palestinians. The Palestinians had been confident of at least 150 votes in favor of the resolution. In the end they got a third less than that. Plus Nikki Haley put the UN General Assembly on notice that the days of voting against us and expecting our assistance were over.

In the aftermath of the vote, the Palestinians were apoplectic. They said they will no longer accept any peace proposal from the United States, this in addition to refusing to meet Vice President Mike Pence when he’s in the region…but they will continue to accept our money, thank you very much.

This has not gone down well in the Arab world. First, they have bigger fish to fry than the Palestinians. The Arab states are under pressure from Iran and they are seeing Hamas entering the same death spiral that resulted in Lebanese Hezbollah being a wholly owned entity of the IRGC. They are seeing restive Shia populations in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain being suborned by Iranian cash. They are seeing a frightful Iranian sponsored civil war in Yemen. None of this appeals to them.
Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are displeased with the way the Palestinian Authority has reacted to U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and his decision to relocate the U.S. Embassy to the city, Israel Hayom has learned.

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit announced over the weekend that he would head a new committee, comprising the foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Saudia Arabia and the Palestinian Authority, to devise a new policy on Jerusalem.

Sources in Ramallah, Cairo and Amman told Israel Hayom that the decision to establish the committee was made after it became apparent that the Palestinian Authority’s efforts to counter Trump’s announcement had been ineffective.
Funny about how intransigence is a shi**y negotiating strategy if you hold absolutely no advantages. The Palestinians are faced with an Israeli government that is willing to accept the status quo indefinitely rather than give in on critical issues. They are faced with a US government that is hostile to them, that is supportive of Israel, and which has basically removed a lot of diplomatic impediments from Israel fixing this problem as it wishes. Its Arab neighbors are more worried about Iran than Israel. In fact, Saudi Arabia and Israel seem to be collaborating fairly extensively.
The so-called Arab Street has also been relatively quiet.   Abbas overplayed a weak hand and others are also starting to ignore him.  More countries are saying they will put embassies in Jerusalem.  This is what happens to a failed culture of beggars whose only "contribution" to the world has been human bomb attacks where someone commits mass murder in the belief of getting more sex in the afterlife.

There is, in fact, a strong case to be made that the US should defund the Palestinians and theri UN benefactors.


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