China sends genocidal leader to rule Hong Kong

 Epoch Times:

On Jan. 9, an ill wind blew into the Fragrant Harbor. Peng Jingtang, a blood-thirsty paramilitary chief from Xinjiang, was appointed by China’s dictator Xi Jinping to lead Chinese troops in Hong Kong.

For years, Peng led the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) crackdown in Xinjiang—where there is an ongoing genocide.

From 2018, Major General Peng was chief of staff of the People’s Armed Police (PAP) in the region. He was also the overall deputy chief of staff of the PAP.

The PAP is primarily charged with countering riots and protests. But Peng led “counterterrorism” efforts in Xinjiang, where there is little terrorism other than that imposed by the CCP itself.

In Xinjiang, the CCP uses the excuse of Uyghur terrorism to enforce its Han bigotry on the territory through a network of concentration camps, “reeducation” centers, and factories in which forced laborers are subjected to slave-like conditions, including torture, rape, mass surveillance, forced abortion, and state-imposed birth control.

In 2019, Peng bragged to the state-controlled Global Times newspaper that his paramilitary police squad had fired as many shots of ammo in Xinjiang in 2018 as all other security forces combined over the prior three years. Xi likely honored Peng’s squad in 2021 for killing 91 “terrorists.”

Now Peng will lead the Chinese military’s Hong Kong garrison, which seeks to put the fear of the CCP into any Hongkongers who might wish for a return to the freedoms of what could be called the inter-imperial years, between Britain’s control of the city and that of Beijing.

China is extending its despotic control over Hong Kong as it did over Xinjiang and as it wants to do over Taiwan.  It appears to be returning to its roots as a communist dictatorship that cannot tolerate freedom.  I think Xi, like Putin is also taking advantage of Biden's weakness. 


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