Was Afghan attack by prisoners released by the US?


Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, on Thursday warned that ISIS attacks will ultimately be coming "sooner than later" to the United States because the war on terror has "clearly not ended" following the suicide bombing in Kabul earlier in the day. 

"Their capabilities are obviously still intact," Crenshaw told Fox News, as Mediaite reported. "I'm not sure if this attack is a result of the fact that when the Taliban came through they left 5,000 prisoners out, many of whom were ISIS.

"In any case, the intelligence community saw this coming, and now they assume that whether it's al-Qaida or ISIS, they'll be able to externalize these attacks, meaning do it on the homeland — sooner than later."

Terrorist group Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) has claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed at least a dozen U.S. service members and many more civilians Thursday.

"I think we should retake more airfields throughout the country," Crenshaw, a wounded U.S. Navy SEAL who lost an eye in a improvised explosive device (IED) explosion in Afghanistan, told Fox News.

"You can't expect everybody to be going to this hell hole that is the Kabul airport right now. Retake Bagram and other airports as well. It will take troops on the ground and a complete reassessment of our strategy, but the military can do it."

The death of American men and women should not be tolerated by the Biden administration and should be met with a swift and decisive retaliation.

"From a tactical perspective, I like to hear the enemy is massing and finally out in the open and not hiding in the population, which is what made these wars so difficult over time," Crenshaw told Fox News. "We have to acknowledge that there are people out there that want to kill us, and if they have any space whatsoever, any room, any time whatsoever, they're planning an attack on the homeland.


It is too bad Crenshaw is not the commander in chief.  He is clearly smarter and braver than Biden. 


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