Passengers were target of al Qaeda ink jet bombs
Image by Getty Images via @daylife Telegraph: Both bombs found last week had been transported in the hold of passenger flights, suggesting that the terrorists were targeting tourists and other travellers, rather than simply trying to bring down cargo planes, as had previously been thought. A device found at East Midlands airport on Friday had left Yemen on a passenger aircraft, The Daily Telegraph has learnt, before it was switched to a UPS cargo plane. The second device, found in Dubai, was carried on two Qatar Airways passenger flights before it was intercepted. Sources close to the investigation in Yemen said because there were no scheduled cargo flights out of the country it was likely the terrorists knew the bombs would be loaded on to passenger planes for at least part of their journey. Theresa May, the Home Secretary , also admitted yesterday it was possible that the US-bound bomb found at East Midlands could have detonated over Britain if it had not been found, b...