Dems need to rethink their policy goals
Red State: Still Trying to Figure Out Why They Lost, Dems Hold Retreat—and Come Up With More Bad Ideas It has been a long few months for the Democrat party. They continue to reel from the clubbing they took in November, yet don't appear to have learned anything from it. But in a surprise move, at least a few Dems decided a bit of reflection and introspection might be needed. Could they have finally decided to do a bit of self-analysis? Maybe, but that hard look inward is only good if you are sincere about it and truly want a change. It's that sincerity that might be hard for Democrats to pull off. ... ... Their tax and spending policies are not selling. Their candidates are not inspiring. Biden was a disaster and he was obviously better than Kamala Harris. They are going to need some new candidates and may have to look at some Democrat governors who are not liberal wackos. See also: Dems Step on Another Rake, Block Senate Bill Protecting Girls/Women Sports ...