Murtha makes 9 mistatements in 90 seconds

Gateway Pundit:

The Democratic Representative Hawk and Code Pink "Pink Badge of Courage" winner, again today spat out his disinformation on the Iraq War and did it in record time!

The liberal Hawk's stand on Iraq is strikingly similar to his stand on the US conflict in Mogadishu, Somalia which Osama Bin Laden appreciated.

Read the mistatments and the facts. There were probably more. Powerline also deconstructs the Murtha meanderings. It is sad to see a former military man suffering from battle fatigue. He has many of the classic symptoms, including the feeling of eminent doom. He fears victory will lead to more war not less. He is also lost his situational awareness and is relying on the fantasies of the Daily Kos posters rather than the hard facts from the men who actually know what is going on. If he did he might know that attacks on US forces are down substantially. He might also learn that now the Sunnis who had previously wanted the SU out have come to their senses and now want the US to stay to help them get a better deal. He is relying on several false premises for his opinon that we should retreat from victory. He has joined the side that wants to lose. When will some one ask him that question?


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