Trump responds to the Biden-Harris border crisis


Vice President Kamala Harris "can never be forgiven" for "erasing our border," former President Donald Trump insisted during a rally in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin Saturday, where he railed about a report indicating that hundreds of thousands of convicted criminals have been allowed to be in the United States under her watch.

"It's a total disqualifier, what she's done," Trump told an audience at an inside event. "She must never be allowed to become president of the United States … so much death has already taken place."

Friday, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement released a letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, showing that more than 600,000 immigrant criminals are on its dockets but have not been detained, including 13,000 convicted of murder.

"They've never released this before," Trump said. "They never talk about deaths and how many they talk about certain things, but they've never released this kind of information. But it was so bad … these are people that have gone through the system. They're convicted. They're in jails for life. Some are getting the death sentence. But instead of that, they've crossed our border."

This means other countries are setting such people free "so they're free to kill again," he said.

"These are killers, he said. "These are killers at a level that nobody's ever seen. Not even your great law enforcement has ever seen people like this."

The immigrant criminals, Trump added, "make our criminals look like babies."

"These are stone-cold killers," he said. "They'll walk into your kitchen, they'll cut your throat. Kamala also let in 25,272 illegals convicted for rape, sex offenses or sexual assault, 62,231 criminal aliens convicted of violent assault. Everything but death happened to the people they assaulted. In total, she let in. 425,431 people convicted of and these are convicted of the worst crimes."

When Democrats opened the borders they were hoping to get more Democrat voters into the country, but along with potential voters, they were willing to accept thousands of criminals many of which were murderers.  It was one of the most irresponsible acts by a political party in history and American voters should punish the Democrats by voting against them until they come to their senses. 

See also:

Awesome Win: Fed Judge Bars Lib AZ SoS Adrian Fontes' Disastrous Election Rules, Compares Them to Nukes


Kamala's Border Speech Goes Off the Rails, Reveals the Real Goal


Watch Liberal Panelists Cope and Seethe As Scott Jennings Drops Hard Truths About Kamala's 'Border Visit'


 It was all too much for GOP strategist and CNN political analyst Scott Jennings, who dropped some inconvenient facts on the liberal panelists including Obama alum Van Jones, whose facial expressions as Jennings was talking said it all:

In fact, I think the Trump campaign line today ought to be arsonist returns to scene of crime. I mean, look at the last three-and-a-half years, we've got the border is effectively been opened, people flowing across.

ICE today, released information that there are 13,000 noncitizens convicted of homicide and almost 16,000 noncitizens convicted of some kind of sexual crime who are in the country right now.

Only because we are in the shadow of an election is Kamala Harris trying to rush and pay some lip service to this issue as a tactical matter, Anderson.

I don't think Harris should be trying to elevate this issue because this is the best ground from which Donald Trump has to fight.



‘There’s Nothing Funny Here’: Fox News Host Scolds Ex-DNC Official For Laughing During Migrant Crime Segment


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