Polls moving back to favoring Trump

 Red State:

For weeks now, the mainstream media has been working overtime to promote the theory that all the momentum in the presidential race is in Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris' corner, perhaps thinking that their cheerleading and Baghdad Bob-esque coverage have done the trick.

But the devil, as has often been said, is in the details, and what they show is that when it comes right down to it, Harris has not been able to seal the deal in many of the battleground states she's spent the most time in since becoming the nominee.

As my RedState colleague Nick Arama reported on Tuesday, "There may be a big shift underway. Over the last couple of days, there has been some real movement in some of the polls back to former President Donald Trump."

"The reality of Kamala Harris's emptiness seems to be setting in, and it looks like her avoidance of questions may now be backfiring on her," Nick also observed.

Lending credence to that is fresh polling from Susquehanna Polling and Research, which now shows Harris and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump neck and neck in the crucial state of Pennsylvania.

What is especially significant about this poll, as they noted, is that Harris was ahead by four in July - but she's not anymore....

In another big blow to the Harris-Walz campaign, Trump has made "significant" inroads on economy/inflation matters, so much so that the polling outfit characterized the former president as having "effectively closed the sale" with the Pennsylvania voters who feel those issues are the most important....

The momentum in the newsrooms is not translating into much momentum in the voting booths.   The media is about 95 percent Democrat and voters are not.  Even with that kind of support the Democrats cannot hide their awful record since Biden was elected.  The economy and world peace were much better under Trump.

See also:

Majority of Americans Blame Kamala Harris At Least Partially for Afghanistan, Economy, and Border Crisis in Fiery New Poll 

Kamala Harris, bolstered by the biased mainstream media, is attempting to rewrite her record as Vice President of the United States for the past four years, but polling shows a majority of voters blame Harris for a number of international and domestic failures in the Biden Administration.

The Sept. 8 New York Times/Siena College poll shows Americans say Harris is at least partially to blame for the border crisis by a 35-point margin, 63 percent to 28 percent. A full 39 percent of Americans say Harris holds “a lot of blame” for the border crisis, while just 16 percent of the country says Harris holds “no blame at all”.

Even a third of Democrats admit Harris is partially to blame for the millions of illegal immigrants streaming across the southern border, with 32 percent of Democrats saying she is at least partially responsible for the border crisis, while 54 percent deny she is to blame at all.

Independents say by a 34-point margin, 63 percent to 29 percent, Harris is at least partially to blame for the border crisis. Hispanics blame Harris for the border crisis by a 28-point margin, 52 percent to 24 percent.


 Quinnipiac Poll Results Come in and Deliver Devastating News for Kamala Harris


 New York border farmer overwhelmed by influx of migrants crossing property: I 'absolutely' blame Biden-Harris

Chris Oliver tells 'Fox & Friends First' he saw 'hardly any' crossings when Trump was in office


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