Harris lies about job loses under Trump

 Red State:


Kamala sat down Wednesday with MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle for an interview that has been widely panned as a "trainwreck" due to the presidential wannabe's inability to tell the truth or articulate a coherent thought. She was caught in a massive lie when talking about the economy under Donald Trump: 

"Here's what I know in terms of the facts: Donald Trump left us with the worst economy since the Great Depression, when you look, for example, at the employment numbers."

Ruhle interjected at that point: "It was during COVID. And [un]employment was so high because we shut down the government, we shut down the country." To which Kamala replied:

"Even before the pandemic, he lost manufacturing jobs -- by most people's estimates at least 200,000."...

 Yes, she claimed that Trump lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs even before COVID T-boned the American economy. That's not even a little bit true, which CNN was quick to point out.


Facts First: Harris’ claim is false. Trump presided over a gain of 414,000 US manufacturing jobs, not a loss of “at least 200,000,” before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. And the loss for his entire presidency, start to finish, was 178,000 manufacturing jobs, not 200,000 or more as Harris said.

CNN fact checker Daniel Dale elaborated that those 414,000 manufacturing jobs were added during the period of January 2017, when Trump took office, to February 2020, the month before COVID-related lockdowns began. It took some special Kamala math to come up that 200,000 number. In other words, she lied.

The lie, of course, is intended to blur the lines and deflect from the fact that Kamala Harris is one half of the Biden/Harris administration, an administration whose "Bidenomics" policies have seen the average American family struggle to pay their bills. She helped create the problem, is currently a member of the administration that is failing in every way to address the problem, and, when pressed for a solution, she spouts nonsense words like "opportunity economy" and "holistic manner." Or, as my colleague Nick Arama put it when summarizing Wednesday's interview:

But she acts like she's a change agent for a problem she helped to create.


This is more evidence that Harris is ill-prepared as a candidate.  Were it not for the pandemic Trump would have a great record of job creation.  He was also more successful at controlling inflation.  The first year of the Biden-Harris administration saw the largest increase in inflation in decades and it was caused by their reckless government spending.  The US is still feeling the effects of that inflation everytime people go to the grocery store or the filling station.


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