Pentagon brass keeps getting it wrong?


The same Pentagon that refused to carry out President Trump’s sensible request for troops to keep the Capitol safe ahead of a big protest on Jan 6 2021 behaved completely differently seven months later when they complied with President Biden’s absurd request to abandon Bagram air base and conduct evacuations from Afghanistan out of a little unprotected civilian airport in Kabul - with predictably disastrous consequences, including the deaths of 13 US service members and the maiming of dozens more
Miranda Devine
Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 , but was rebuffed ⁦@jsolomonReports⁩ ⁦

Trump was clearly a smarter president than Biden and the leadership of the US military is looking as dim-witted as Biden. Surely there are smarter people in the military than its current leadership. As a former Marine, I have a higher regard for Marine Corps leadership and would suggest someone from that service be given command.


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