New York discovers that being a 'sanctuary city' is a bad idea

 American Action News:

Despite growing calls from local law enforcement and the mayor to roll back New York City’s sanctuary laws amid a slate of horrific migrant-related crime, liberal Democratic members of the city council ignored requests for comment on legislation that would do just that.

A bipartisan group of nine members on the New York City Council known as the Common Sense Caucus introduced legislation in June that, if enacted, would dial back several sanctuary city policies that prevent local police from working with federal immigration authorities. However, since that bill’s roll out, it has remained stagnant within City Hall with no expectations to move forward any time soon.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to every single member of the New York City Council not on the Common Sense Caucus — 42 members total — and asked if they supported the anti-sanctuary city bill or why they supported keeping the current sanctuary city laws in place. Not a single office provided comment.

The closest the DCNF got to receiving a statement was from Council Member Shahana Hanif’s office, whose staff sent over a link to an op-ed she co-authored with Councilmember Alexa Aviles. That op-ed faulted Mayor Eric Adams for wanting to modify the city’s sanctuary city laws and claimed such policies keep New Yorkers safe.

One co-sponsor of the anti-sanctuary city bill said local lawmakers must begin listening to voters and prioritize public safety.

“When so-called representatives ignore their constituents by refusing not only to put crucial issues like sanctuary city laws on the ballot but also to pass common-sense bills into law, it’s no wonder New Yorkers are fleeing in droves,” Council Member Robert Holden, a moderate Democrat and co-chair of the Common Sense Caucus, said to DCNF.

“Elected officials must stop with the social experiments and politically correct movements and start protecting and representing law-abiding citizens immediately,” he continued.

I have seen other reports that 75 percent of the crime in New York City is done by illegal immigrants many of which were released from prison in other countries from around the world./  This is a direct result of Biden's idiotic open borders policy that has allowed literally millions of crooks into the country.  The sanctuary city idea has made cities like New York less safe.

See also:

Chicago schools reportedly instructed teachers to give migrants passing grades regardless of performance

Chicago Public Schools said that the district’s promotion guidelines are ‘modified to serve the specialized needs of English Language Learners'



Ian Miles Cheong
Trump gets it. The man actually gets it. This is what a true conservative sounds like. TRUMP: "It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state. But reckless migration policy can change it quickly and permanently. Just like we’ve seen in London, and Paris, and Minneapolis." "If Kamala Harris wins this election, she will flood Pennsylvania cities and towns with illegal migrants from all over the world—and Pennsylvania will not be Pennsylvania any longer." "When I’m president, all migrant flights to Pennsylvania will STOP the moment I take the oath of office. Those who do not belong, will be sent back home. We will end the invasion of small-town Pennsylvania—and we will END the destruction of America."


 How bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua used NYC migrant shelters to build a criminal empire: ‘Hiding in plain sight’


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