Biden's vain attempt at a Middle East ceasefire

 DC Daily Journal:


Despite President Joe Biden’s repeated assurances that a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas could be imminent, U.S. officials are reportedly beginning to acknowledge privately that securing a deal before the end of his term may be unattainable.

The conflict, which escalated following Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, has thrown the Middle East into deeper turmoil, compelling the Biden-Harris administration to pursue diplomatic avenues to end the violence and ease regional tensions. Although Biden has frequently expressed optimism about a ceasefire, hinting that an agreement was close, these efforts have largely fallen short. According to sources with direct knowledge who spoke to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), U.S. officials are now increasingly doubtful that a deal can be secured given the significant obstacles between Israel and Hamas.

“No deal is imminent,” a U.S. official told the WSJ. “I’m not sure it ever gets done.”

Publicly, the administration continues to maintain that a ceasefire agreement is still possible, though frustration with Hamas’ stance in negotiations has been evident. A senior administration official indicated in early September that “90 percent” of the deal had been agreed upon, a point White House spokesman John Kirby reiterated during a press briefing.

Former State Department official Gabriel Noronha, however, pointed out to the Daily Caller News Foundation that the final details of such agreements are often the most challenging to resolve. He emphasized that the remaining issues, such as whether Israel should retain a military presence in Gaza, are the most difficult to settle.

“Generally, you take care of the easier-to-agree items first, and the last items are the ones that are the hardest,” Noronha explained.

Despite Biden’s continued optimism over the past few months, including remarks in late August that he was “optimistic” about a near-term deal, the reality on the ground appears to be more complex. Biden had previously suggested that the negotiations were closer than ever, urging patience as talks progressed.

Biden’s insistence on the urgency of a ceasefire dates back months. In May, he proposed a deal that has yet to be accepted. Earlier in the year, he predicted a ceasefire could be reached within days, but those predictions have not materialized.

When Hamas started its war with Israel it stated its genocidal ambitions of killing all the Israelis.  Hamas murdered thousands of Israeli civilians they had taken prisoner.  Israel's natural response to such mass murder was to destroy as much of Hamas as possible.   So far Israel has been largely successful.  Recently Hezballah has also been attacking Israel from Lebanon.  Both Hamas and Hezballah are Islamic religious bigots who want to destroy Israel for its rejection of Islam.  It is unlikely a diplomatic solution will be available until Hamas and Hezballah come to the conclusion they will not achieve their objectives.

See also:

Pentagon to Send Additional U.S. Troops to Middle East as Regional Tensions Boil Over


 Biden Claimed For Months That Gaza Ceasefire Was In Sight — Now His Own Officials Reportedly Think It’s A Pipe Dream


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