The weirdness of the Dems


You've got to hand it to the Democrats sometimes. When they get their marching orders, they fall in lockstep with each other (or maybe goosesteps?). We joke about noticing when 'the memo has gone out' and, in some cases, they actually do send out a memo, as Twitchy recently reported.

Most of the time, however, they don't need to write the talking points down on a piece of paper (especially now that Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race). Some of the party elites simply start spouting a keyword or phrase and everyone else, including the media apparatchiks, falls in line behind them. Just look how much they've all tried to tie Donald Trump to the boogeyman of 'Project 2025,' and how immediately that happened across all politicians and mainstream news networks.

They're like a huge assembly line of Stepford Wives ... or maybe Chatty Cathy pull-string dolls. Tell them what to say and they'll repeat it ad nauseum until it stops working (and then they may still keep repeating it).

Yesterday, Twitchy reported on how this is happening with the word 'weird' and the Democrats attaching it to Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance. Of course, the charge is based on nothing and Vance is more normal than all of the Democrat party put together. Twitter hilariously illustrated that with a deluge of tweets showing freakish Democrats like Sam Brinton, Richard Levine, Drag Queen Story Hour, and much more, all under the heading 'J.D. Vance Is Weird.'

But it is freakish to see the Democrats all bundled together saying the word. That is where Twitchy favorite Tom Elliott comes in. Yesterday morning, Elliott showed some scary statistics about how often the media has used the word weird, but a video is worth a thousand spreadsheets.

Check out the link above for several examples of Democrat weirdness. 

See also:

From banning fracking to private health insurance, Kamala Harris is no centrist


Yes, sir! JD Vance is weird alright.
But then what do we call these folks?
See more


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