The Democrat threat to democracy

American Action News:

On the afternoon of July 21, the Democratic Party effectively stole an election. Fully 87% of the vote in this year’s Democratic presidential primaries — 14.4 million of the ballots cast — were discarded, sending shockwaves through the political landscape.

These voters’ choice for president will not be on the ticket in November. President Joe Biden is no longer the presumptive Democratic nominee.

This unprecedented move raises serious questions about the integrity of our elections, the role of political elites, and the fundamental democratic principle that voters choose their representatives.

For context, our presidential primary system functions a lot like the Electoral College. Voters cast ballots for delegates, who ultimately meet and vote for office seekers. Now, in public perception, these two acts are inseparable. When voters cast a ballot for president, they believe they are voting for the candidate, not electors. Likewise, voters in primary elections believe they are selecting candidates rather than delegates.

But in 2024, a select group of elites and Democratic Party insiders decided that Democratic primary votes don’t count. Technically, this situation mirrors faithless electors in the Electoral College, where electors can theoretically disregard the candidate they are pledged to. In short, the democratic process appears undermined when the outcome is removed from citizens and placed in the hands of a few individuals’ decisions.

Thus Democrat politicians selected Kamala Harris rather than voters to be their nominee.  They apparently did this after threatening Biden with the 25th Amendment which makes it possible to remove a president who is incapacitated.


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