Texas Supreme Court protects kids from trans movement


The Texas Supreme Court ruled on Friday to uphold a Lone Star State law that effectively bans gender experimentation on children.

In an 8-1 decision published on Friday, the highest court in the state confirmed the legislature’s May 2023 law prohibiting health care professionals from castrating and mutilating minors does not violate the state constitution, as a trial court had previously concluded.


“We are men and women, irreducibly and inescapably, no matter how we feel. Proceeding from these moral and philosophical premises, the Traditional Vision naturally holds that medicinal or surgical interference with a child’s developing capacity for normal, healthy sexual reproduction is manifestly harmful to the child, an obvious injustice unworthy of the high label ‘medicine,’” Blacklock wrote.

I agree with this ruling.  Irreversible surgery on an otherwise healthy child should not be performed.  If they still want to do it once they reach adulthood is a different matter.


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