The Biden-Harris border bungle

 The Cannon Online:

Biden’s border crisis: Why his new executive order doesn’t really matter


By December 2020, the U.S. had the most secure border in the history of our nation, and a proven plan to continue improvements. We had an overall decrease in entries and the highest level of situational awareness ever.

But during the 2020 presidential campaigns, candidate Biden committed to ending the deterrence strategy and allowing more migrants into the country.

Immediately following his inauguration, Biden fulfilled his campaign promise. He quicky terminated the migrant protection protocols and halted all border security infrastructure improvements.

Biden walked away from the 27-year bipartisan, deterrence strategy in favor of a reactionary strategy. Performance metrics like situational awareness, arrests, seizures, turn backs and got-a-ways were replaced with reducing processing times as well as reducing total time in custody.

Combined, these actions effectively removed meaningful consequences for illegally entering our nation. Catch and release was effectively reintroduced.

Biden’s policy shift triggered a tsunami of illegal immigration. The border security gains earned over three decades vanished and Biden surrendered control of our border to transnational criminal organizations – the cartels.

Biden's move was one of the worst presidential screwups in history.  The results have been devastating, especially for the victims of the illegal aliens.  Many countries emptied their prisons and sent them across the US border.  Women and girls have been raped and killed by illegals.  Trump had the border under control and Biden irresponsibly opened it allowing millions of illegals into the country.  Harris went along with this disaster.

See also:

Fake News Caught Trying to Memory Hole Kamala’s Appointment as ‘Border Czar

'I will just reiterate that the vice president is not doing the border...'


 Fact-Checkers Slap 'False' Labels On Claims Harris Was 'Border Czar'


 Federal agents instructed to clear streets of migrants and put on a ‘show’ for ‘border czar’ Kamala Harris’ only trip to border



Don’t you usually have to wait a few years before rewriting history? The house organs of the Democrat media are going full Stalin in airbrushing Kamala Harris’s role as President Biden’s “border czar” from the historical record — the record that existed until Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential contest in favor of Kamala Harris this past Sunday.


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