The Harris campaign's politics of fraud

 Jeff Charles:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ team has already shown that it might become one of the most dishonest campaigns in recent history. The candidate’s campaign has already told a myriad of whoppers about its political opponents, but the latest might just be one of the most egregious.

X account Kamala’s Wins posted a video on Saturday with a video of an interview with Republican vice presidential candidate Senator JD Vance (R-OH). In the post, the account claimed Vance “completely endorses Project 2025” in the video.

What was missing from Vance’s comments was any mention of Project 2025, which has become the left’s new bugaboo over recent months, a fact that conservative commentator Ben Domenech, who conducted the interview, quickly pointed out. Even further, this conversation took place in 2021, before Project 2025 was ever created....

This latest lie appears to be part of Team Harris’ overall strategy which involves deceptively fearmongering about Project 2025 ad nauseam, according to the Daily Signal. Indeed, Harris’ campaign essentially admitted that this is an integral part of the vice president’s strategy.

A campaign official essentially confessed that her team is deliberately misleading voters by branding all of Trump’s policies as “Project 2025.” The deceitful nature of the approach was apparently so egregious that even CNN has fact-checked Harris’ ridiculous claims.

I have seen no evidence that Trump or Vance has anything to do with Project 2025.  It appears to be something that Democrats have conjured up to attack Republicans. 
