Biden lied without conscience during debate



The economy was in a “freefall”? It was “flat on its back”? In a “horrible situation”?

These are 100%, solid-gold lies. And Biden knows it.

And they aren’t just penny-ante lies.

Biden justified his $2 trillion “rescue plan” on these lies. Now he’s using them to blame Trump for everything that’s gone wrong since.

Yet, the mainstream media never, ever call Biden out on this lie – a failing we’ve pointed out for years. (Just a few examples: In February 2021, we wrote: “Biden Invents An Economic Crisis To Justify His Reckless $1.9 Trillion COVID ‘Relief’,” and in July of that year we said “Biden Brags About ‘His’ Economic Recovery, But Has To Lie To Do It.” In March 2022 we wrote, “It’s Time To Kill This Big Fat Biden Lie Once And For All.”)

So, we will say it once again. The economy was going gangbusters when Biden took office.


Biden's reckless spending caused the inflation that Americans are still having to deal with. 


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