Kamala and the crooks

 Free Beacon:

Kamala Harris Still Raising Money for ‘Freedom Fund’ That Busts Murderers and Rapists Out of Jail

Minnesota Freedom Fund posted bail for rapists and other violent criminals

This demonstrates how disingenuous her attempt to sell herself as a tough-on-crime prosecutor is. 

See also:

Vice President Harris turned white as a ghost once these skeletons in her closet were revealed


Harris promoted the “Back on Track” initiative, despite the program’s involvement with illegal Honduran migrant Alexander Izaguirre, who allegedly brutally assaulted a young woman, resulting in a skull fracture and long-term trauma. Harris later described this incident as “a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program.”

Harris is not the only Democrat who supports illegal immigration. 



 Trump Ad Calls Out VP Harris as 'a Pro-criminal Extremist'


"At today's rally in Minnesota, [former] President [Donald] Trump will set the record straight on dangerously liberal Kamala Harris' long history of supporting soft on crime policies, like defunding the police, that have made our cities and neighborhoods less safe," Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt wrote in a statement. "Harris encouraged donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bailed now-convicted murderers and rapists out of jail and put them back on our streets to commit more heinous crimes.


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