DeSantis shares reality about Kamala Harris

 Red State:

Ron DeSantis appeared on "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo and was not shy about sharing his thoughts regarding the corporate media's endless fawning over Vice President Kamala Harris after she officially became a candidate and the likely Democrat presidential nominee.

Expect most of the corrupt press to outright lie to us for the next 100 days, he warned, and completely ignore Kamala's terrible record, her nonsensical statements, and her support for President Biden's destructive policies, which have negatively affected such a broad swath of the American people.

He didn't hold back:

...what you see is all the arteries of the left, the corporate media, Hollywood, academia—they're using all the king's horses and all the king's men to try to put the Democratic Party back together again [after Biden stepped out of the race]. 

And they have to whitewash Harris' background to be able to make her palpable to the American people—but I think we've all seen her. 

I mean, she's incredibly vapid, even more incredibly liberal, and she doesn't have any accomplishments. 


He is right about Harris as well as the mainstream media which is trying to push a weak Democrat candidate over the finish line.  Biden was incoherent because of what appears to many as dementia.  Harris does not have that excuse.  She is a giggling extreme liberal.


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