
Showing posts from July, 2024

A Chicom 'whoops'

 CNN: Chinese rocket crashes after accidental launch during ground test There have been reports that many of its other rockets will not launch at all because they are filled with water instead of rocket fuel.  China is not looking like a first-rate power right now. 

Voters see Biden's ineptitude

 CBS News: For months before the first debate , the nation's voters repeatedly expressed doubts over whether President Biden had the cognitive health enough to serve. Today, those doubts have grown even more: now at nearly three-quarters of the electorate, and now including many within his own party. And today, after the debate with former President Trump , an increased number of voters, including many Democrats, don't think Mr. Biden should be running for president at all. Nearly half his party doesn't think he should now be the nominee. ... Given that, today nearly three in four voters also don't think Mr. Biden should be running for president in the first place. That's a higher-percentage sentiment than in February, when almost two-thirds said he should not run. ... I suspect the Democrats don't think they have a better candidate at this time, which actually tells you something about the decline of the party.  See also: The Only Way to Read This Biden Fundra

Biden lied without conscience during debate

 I&I: ... The economy was in a “ freefall ”? It was “ flat on its back ”? In a “ horrible situation ”? These are 100%, solid-gold lies. And Biden knows it. And they aren’t just penny-ante lies. Biden justified his $2 trillion “rescue plan” on these lies. Now he’s using them to blame Trump for everything that’s gone wrong since. Yet, the mainstream media  never, ever  call Biden out on this lie – a failing we’ve pointed out for years. (Just a few examples: In February 2021, we wrote: “ Biden Invents An Economic Crisis To Justify His Reckless $1.9 Trillion COVID ‘Relief’ ,” and in July of that year we said “ Biden Brags About ‘His’ Economic Recovery, But Has To Lie To Do It .” In March 2022 we wrote, “ It’s Time To Kill This Big Fat Biden Lie Once And For All .”) So, we will say it once again. The economy was going gangbusters when Biden took office. ... Biden's reckless spending caused the inflation that Americans are still having to deal with. 

Texas Supreme Court protects kids from trans movement

 Federalist: The Texas Supreme Court ruled on Friday to uphold a Lone Star State law that effectively bans gender experimentation on children. In an 8-1 decision published on Friday, the highest court in the state confirmed the legislature’s May 2023 law prohibiting health care professionals from castrating and mutilating minors does not violate the state constitution, as a trial court had previously concluded. ... “We are men and women, irreducibly and inescapably, no matter how we feel. Proceeding from these moral and philosophical premises, the Traditional Vision naturally holds that medicinal or surgical interference with a child’s developing capacity for normal, healthy sexual reproduction is manifestly harmful to the child, an obvious injustice unworthy of the high label ‘medicine,’” Blacklock wrote. ... I agree with this ruling.  Irreversible surgery on an otherwise healthy child should not be performed.  If they still want to do it once they reach adulthood is a different ma

Media accused of hiding Biden deteriation

 PJ Media: The disaster of Thursday night’s debate provided Americans with two giant revelations. First, Joe Biden is mentally and physically failing and cannot remain president. Second, and of greater long-term import, the media has been stripped bare as our most corrupt institution — and that is saying something. The debate showed everyone what happens when the Democratic communications machine, formerly known as the media, is bypassed, and candidates can be seen clearly by the American people without the filters. The media has been lying — expect this word to come up a lot — to the American people on behalf of Biden and Democrats for years. But the very second they are unable to control the content and the narrative, the truth comes busting out for everyone to see. It was glorious and horrific. President Trump could not have been more right when he said in April 2019 that the media is “truly the enemy of the people.” The Hill (media) said Trump was “ratcheting up his use of the der

Dems have few alternatives to Biden

 While Biden is polling poorly in the race against Trump the alternatives such as Kamala Harris, and Gavin Newsom are both polling worse. According to PJ Media : ... A new flash  poll  by Data for Progress, a left-wing firm, conducted the day after the debate, tells us a lot about the state of the race post-debate and the issue of replacing Biden on the ballot. A majority of Democratic voters still want Biden to stay in the race, but that number is declining.  Only 51% of Democrats and 35% of all likely voters say that Joe Biden should remain as the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election. This represents a 12-point drop among Democrats since Data for Progress asked the same question in early March. If Democratic voters have a say in the matter, if Biden does drop out their top choice to replace him is Kamala Harris. The poll found that 39% of Democrats chose Harris, and the next top contender was Gavin Newsom, with just 18% support. ... There may be others who are even l

Terror threats in Europe target US bases

 Newsmax: CNN reported Sunday that several U.S. military bases in Europe had detected terror threats on the continent. A spokesman for U.S. European Command, Cmdr. Dan Day told CNN that USEUCOM is "constantly assessing a variety of factors that play into the safety of U.S. military community abroad. As part of that effort, we oftentimes take additional steps to ensure the safety of our service members. For operational security reasons we will not get into specific measures, but we remain vigilant." The U.S. Army garrison in Stuttgart, Germany, where USEUCOM is headquartered, raised its alert level to Force Protection Condition "Charlie" on Sunday. In its report, CNN noted it is "not clear what intelligence triggered the heightened security." Nonetheless, in light of the Paris Olympics in July and the European soccer championships in Germany, both countries are said to be putting in place active security measures. Germany is planning to roll out an additio

25th Amendment trending on X for Biden

 DC Daily Journal: ... So the damage control of Biden and his allies is only going to go so far. In fact, at the time this article is being written, the tag of “25th Amendment” is trending on Twitter (also known as X). Many are saying that this is a situation that deserves the invoking of the 25th Amendment, as it appears Joe Biden is not fit to run the nation as the President of the United States. Those calls for the invocation of the 25th Amendment are growing louder and louder. So much so, that now there’s representatives in the U.S. House chamber in Congress who are literally preparing filings for Joe Biden to be removed lawfully as a result of the requirements of the 25th Amendment. In the wake of Thursday night’s presidential debate, Republican Texas Representative Chip Roy announced his intention to introduce a resolution aimed at removing President Joe Biden from office. Roy shared his plans in a post on the social media platform X on Friday morning, revealing that he will util