Watch Israeli army save hostages

 Red State:


In the newly revealed footage, you can see Israeli operators breaching an upper-level apartment as controlled chaos unfolds. Rooms are cleared, and you can see several men in shorts and shirts taking cover as words are exchanged.

I'm not sure if the men seen in the video are some of the hostages or are those who were holding them captive. Regardless, it's a harrowing scene. Later, you see one Israeli soldier taking cover under a tree as they rush the hostages across an open area. This was a heroic effort and one that took considerable courage to carry out in broad daylight.

In another video also released on Monday, you can see the hostages being loaded onto a helicopter for extraction.


The Israeli army looks very professional in dealing with some terrorists. 

See also:

The Press Reactions to Israel Rescuing the Hostages Will Make Your Blood Boil


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