Leftist delusion about Trump




Chris Matthews unhinged rant claiming if Trump wins, America will no longer be a free country. Tulsi Gabbard reminds him that the erosion of rights has occurred under the Biden administration: CM: "Trump has made sure I'm going to get even with half of this country that's probably going to vote against me. He's going after public officials, he's going after commentators, he's going to go after editorial writers, he's going to go after everybody. So it's not going to be a free country. He is out there to remove people's rights. We do not know where it's going to end. Nobody can sit here and say they know where Trump is going to stop." TG: "The erosion of free speech, the targeting of political opponents has actually occurred under the Biden administration." I know Biden and Chris Matthews have memory issues, but Trump did not jail his political opponents during his term. That was Mr. 10%, the 'Big Guy'.

This is absurd. While Trump is sometimes critical of those who oppose him, he never acted like Hitler or other tyrants


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