Media exposed for ignoring Biden's cognitive decline



The horrendous, dishonest, biased, pathetic American media, which did everything possible to coverup for Biden and the Democrat Party, now reverse course knowing that the American people saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears, once and for all, the appalling mental condition of Joe Biden.  The media had a primary role in bringing our nation to this point and must suffer the consequences -- that is, the media must be thoroughly denounced and condemned, and something must be done to revitalize a crucial institution to American republicanism.  The infinite lies, deceit, and censorship by the media corporations and their employees must be universally condemned, the management, boards of directors, and investors must take steps to right this wrong, or the nation will not survive this.

They have been exposed as more like Democrat hacks than doing their job of giving the news in an unbiased way.  


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