Anti energy climate kooks arrested in UK

 American Action News:

British law enforcement personnel arrested numerous Just Stop Oil activists on Thursday and Friday.

At least 27 people affiliated with Just Stop Oil were apprehended by authorities for their plans to disrupt business-as-usual at airports this summer, according to Just Stop Oil and British media reports. Just Stop Oil receives funding from wealthy American liberals who donate to the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), which routes money to the British activism outfit via a coalition of European climate protest groups known as the A22 Network, according to the websites of CEF and A22.

“Believing that no government has the right to tyrannize the entire world by encouraging the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, marks you out as a dangerous radical,” Just Stop Oil said in a Friday statement addressing the arrests. “But we will not be intimidated. The painful truth right now is that our politicians and corporations have no intention of acting in accordance with the fundamental interests of either our young people or the country as a whole. Not content with cheering on war crimes in Gaza, our politicians have sat by and allowed the last government to license yet more oil, making them complicit in the greatest crime in human history.”

The fact is that alternative energy is not adequate to meet the needs of the modern world.  Electric cars and trucks won't get you very far with current technology.  There are no passenger aircraft flying without fossil fuels.


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