The Garland DOJ attacks against Trump

 American Action News:


The Truth: The DOJ has spent over $23 million on the two investigations into former President Donald Trump, while spending only around $6.4 million on the probe into Biden’s handling of classified documents, according to numbers released in January.

The Biden DOJ also opposed efforts to limit its “settlement slush fund,” which enable it to direct funds toward left-wing nonprofits.

They come in the form of conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself. Those include false claims that a case brought by a local district attorney and resolved by a jury verdict in a state trial was somehow controlled by the Justice Department.

The Truth: Matthew Colangelo, formerly acting associate attorney general in the Biden DOJ, joined the the Manhattan District Attorney’s office as senior counsel in December 2022 while Bragg’s investigation into Trump was ongoing. While the DOJ said this week that a search revealed no communications between department leadership and Bragg’s office, many have questioned why a top official would step down from his high-ranking position to take a role in the office of a local prosecutor.

Colangelo previously led the investigation into the Trump Foundation and the investigation that became Trump’s civil fraud case while working for the New York District Attorney’s office. In 2018, he received $12,000 from the Democratic National Committee for “political consulting,” according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

They come in the form of false claims that the department is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election. Such claims are often made by those who are themselves attempting to politicize the department’s work to influence the outcome of an election.

The Truth: Special counsel Jack Smith pushed hard to get Trump’s Jan. 6 case to trial before the election, even asking the Supreme Court to take up the presidential immunity appeal before allowing the lower court to weigh in.

Former DOJ official Jack Goldsmith called Smith’s rush to trial “wildly unfair” and suggested it violated both the “normal rules of fairness” to defendants and a DOJ rule barring prosecutors from selecting the timing of their actions for the “purpose of affecting any election.”

Moreover, the DOJ has declined to turn over audio of Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur to Congress. According to the transcript of that interview, Biden appeared to misremember key facts about his life.

In the Murthy v. Missouri First Amendment case now pending before the Supreme Court, an appeals court found the FBI, along with other federal agencies, violated the First Amendment by coercing or significantly encouraging social media companies to censor speech, including COVID-19 and election-related speech ahead of the 2020 election. While many of these actions took place under the Trump administration, the FBI’s efforts largely targeted conservatives, and Biden’s DOJ has vigorously defended the administration’s actions through the court proceedings.


The Truth: Dozens of attacks on pregnancy centers and churches remain unprosecuted while the DOJ turns its sights on pro-lifers who protest abortion clinics, convicting multiple under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. For peacefully blocking a clinic in 2020, a federal judge sentenced 75-year-old Paulette Harlow to two years in prison, while Lauren Handy was given a 57 month prison sentence in May.

Mark Houck, the pro-life activist and father whose home was raided by armed FBI agents in 2022 while his children were home, was found not guilty after the DOJ indicted him for allegedly assaulting an abortion clinic volunteer.

This month, the DOJ indicted Texas surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim, a whistleblower who revealed Texas Children’s Hospital was still performing sex change procedures on minors despite promising it had stopped, on four felony counts for allegedly violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).

Garland directed the FBI in 2022 to “use its authority” to address threats “against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff” after the National School Board Association (NSBA) asked the administration to enforce domestic terror laws against parents protesting at school board meetings.


The weaponizing of the DOJ against Biden's political opponents is unprecedented and looks like a political witch hunt to protect Biden from political opponents.  They have actually put Trump supporters in prison.  They appear to be making charges against people for exercising their First Amendment rights to oppose Biden's policies 

See also:

FBI Agents Accused Biden’s Ghostwriter of Obstruction in Interview, but Redacted Transcript Hides Outcome

'I guess I’ll just ask you. Were you trying to obstruct our investigation?...'


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