Polling favors Trump but some analyst still give Biden a chance

 PJ Media:


If you're following the approval and match-up polls at all this campaign, you know two things: Joe Biden isn't very popular, and Donald Trump is leading in most of the battleground states. Considering these two factors alone — and there are plenty more that suggest Trump is favored to win — things look darn good for President Trump in November.

Except, according to FiveThirtyEight, Biden is more likely to win than Trump.

Technically, Nathaniel Rakich, the senior editor and senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight, calls it a toss-up, but, as the graphic he posts shows, out of the 100 simulations FiveThirtyEight ran, Biden won 53 times, and Trump just 47 times. In a separate post on X, he insists that FiveThirtyEight's model is based on polls and fundamentals.

How is that possible? A day earlier, Rakich noted that Joe Biden's approval ratings hit an all-time low in FiveThirtyEight's average.

I suspect that this is happening because of irrational Trump hatred among some pollsters and other groups.  That has been an aspect of Trump's candidacy since he first announced and was elected.  Trump was clearly a better president than Biden during his term, but some in the media are not willing to concede that fact.

See also:

Kamala Harris just got rocked by the worst news imaginable


According to a new Politico-Morning Consult poll, Harris has a disapproval rating of 52%-42%.

57%-34% of voters also said that Harris would be unlikely to win the presidential election if she were to be the nominee for the Democrats.


 GOP Plans for the Ultimate Nov. Outcome: a Trump Win and a Congressional Sweep


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No Republican White House candidate has won Nevada since 2004


 All-Time Low: Joe Biden's Approval Rating Craters Further, As Questions of Where to Go From Here Ragenull


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