Joe Biden ignores grandbaby

 DC Daily Journal:


It’s been known for years now that Hunter Biden had a child with a woman out of wedlock and that President Joe Biden hasn’t even acknowledged this grandchild as being a part of the family. Hunter Biden’s daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, has never been publicly acknowledged by Joe Biden or his wife, Jill Biden.

There’s no question about Hunter Biden being the father, so the reality that Joe Biden is outright ignoring his grandchild is disgusting in the opinion of millions of Americans. There are reports that Joe Biden hasn’t even been willing to meet with her or communicate with her at all.

Recently, Hunter Biden’s “baby mama” went on the popular Piers Morgan Uncensored show and said that Mr. Joe Biden has never once met his granddaughter and doesn’t intend to.

Whatever you may think of Hunter Biden, his child is innocent and deserves better than to be ignored. 


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