Is Biden tripping on meds?

 Stephen Green:

Paul Bedard is one of those soberly serious conservative columnists who isn't prone to sensationalism, so when you see him write a piece headlined, "Questions raised about medically juicing Biden for debate," it does make me sit up and take notice.

"Some are speculating that [Presidentish Joe] Biden," he wrote for the Washington Examiner on Tuesday, "may be medically revitalized during his visit to the Maryland presidential resort."

Others aren't merely speculating. We're convinced that the human body doesn't contain enough blood to produce a draw big enough to test for all the drugs he might be pumped full of before the June 27 presidential debate in Atlanta. 

A very few youthful indiscretions aside, I'm no expert in drug use. But I've certainly seen enough in my 55 years — several of them spent among the hippies in northern California — to have a few handy rules to help you tell who is on what.

  • Inappropriate laughter (See: Kamala Harris) and/or Cheetos? Marijuana.
  • Invites select people to the bathroom every eight-to-15 minutes? Cocaine.
  • Homeless/No teeth? Meth.
  • Can't stop dancing and/or sharing positive vibes? Ecstasy. 
  • Ate own face? Bath salts.
  • Seeing things no one else can/Convinced everything is "bendy?" LSD or shrooms.
  • Missing and/or dead? Heroin.
  • Died in the '90s? Crack cocaine.
  • Freshly dead? Fentanyl. 

I joke because it's either that or weep over the state of our Republic. 

Rewatch that clip of him at that Juneteenth celebration, smiling and staring without blinking at things that aren't there, and you might think he'd dropped a seriously good tab. Nobody gives POTUS the brown acid, I'm sure.


Having consulted with an actual expert in its use and effects, SOTU Biden was likely on Adderall and medical methamphetamines. As for that Juneteenth brain fail... folks, all I can say is that I believe that's the current state of The Most Powerful Man in the World™ when he's having one of those Bad Days that the Wall Street Journal (unnecessarily) warned us about last week —  and the bad days are happening more and more often. 


I think Adderall is proscribed for those with attention deficit disorders and Biden could be suffering from that.  He certainly does not appear to be all there sometimes. 

See also:


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