Florida Dems continue to pander to gender dysphoria

 American Action News:

Dem-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Florida Law Banning Child Sex Changes


 Over 20 states have passed similar legislation, including Texas, Wyoming and Georgia.

I believe the premise of the legislation is that minors are not capable of making life-changing decisions and should wait until they are adults.  There are reports of some who have made the decision as minors who later regret it.  I think the Democrat Judge is wrong and should have his decision reversed by the appellate courts.

See also:

Ron DeSantis Emasculates Snotty Reporter Over 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Childrennull


REPORTER: Your office told us that you plan to appeal the gender-affirming ruling from yesterday. So my question today, since we're talking about the budget of taxpayer dollars, why should taxpayer dollars go to this case for the appeal?

DESANTIS: Because it's wrong to mutilate minors. It is wrong to perform a sex change on a 16-year-old. You're not allowed to get a tattoo, but somehow, you can have your privates cut off? Give me a break. This is wrong, and I would also say, this has already been decided by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. They upheld Alabama's law, which was almost identical to Florida's law. This will be reversed, there's no question it will be reversed.

Think about it. When the Founding Fathers were creating the Constitution, and when the First Congress passed the Bill of Rights, or even when they passed the reconstruction amendments in the 1860s, do you think a single person involved in that thought that there was a constitutional right to do this genital mutilation? It's ridiculous. Of course, a state can protect children.


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