Dem bias at the FBI?

 Red State:

The Purge: FBI Abused Security Clearance Process to Weed Out Employees With 'Wrong' Political Viewsnull


 As Leavitt rightly points out in the letter, holding and expressing the views included in the questionnaire is protected First Amendment activity. Interestingly, the responses to the questionnaire from his client's colleagues consistently note that while the client espoused right-leaning/conservative/pro-Trump viewpoints, he never expressed anti-government or anti-FBI rhetoric. The responses paint the picture of a guy who isn't a fan of COVID mask and vaccination mandates, is a strong Second Amendment proponent, and supports former President Donald Trump. None of which have bupkus to do with whether or not he presents a national security risk. 


Time has proven those who questioned the efficacy of the masks and vaccine requirement were probably right.  FBI management should reinstate those wrongly dismissed.

Blogger is acting funny when I try to to link the Red State post, but if you click on the "null" at the end of the title it should take you there.


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